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Khusna, Likha Malikhatul (2023) Students' view on using Tiktok application and its influence in their speaking proficiency. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Aisy, Irfani Rahadatul (2023) Utilizing dawn of civilization application to enrich students' vocabulary for speaking proficiency. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Qolbi, Witiza Halwa Irdatul (2023) Implementing Merdeka curriculum to improve students’ literacy in EFL learning. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Usman, Ashabul Kahfi (2023) The implementation of merdeka belajar curriculum in EFL classroom context. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Karima, Nadia Rif'atul (2023) Gender differences on EFL students’ speaking anxiety. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Firjafirdaus, Andika Esafaisa (2023) The use of Quizizz as an assessment tool to enhance students’ mastery of simple present tense. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Suprobowati, Annisa Try (2023) Integrating slowly application and peer assessment in teaching writing of recount text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Aurelia, Shavira Evi Dhia (2023) Teacher’ strategy to enhance students’ speaking proficiency. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Murti, Dinda Candra (2023) Boosting students’ listening skill using podcast. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Sekha, Luthfi Nara (2023) Enhancing EFL student’s speaking proficiency using improvisation and information gap activities. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Sumiati, Sumiati (2023) Boosting students’ reading comprehension of narrative text by integrating digital storytelling and listen-read-discuss. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Ali, Ahmad Haydar (2023) Using online mobile games to enrich students’ vocabulary acquisition in teaching writing of narrative text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Sholahuddin, Muhammad (2022) Developing a model of reading comprehension materials on multimodal descriptive text-based Google site. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Haziyah, Siti Filzatul (2022) Integrating Toy Story movies and discovery learning to facilitate students reading comprehension of narrative text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Niswa, Liya Amirotun (2022) Integrating board games and problem based learning in teaching speaking skill. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Husnayaini, Rina Ihdal (2022) Teacher and students’ perception on English lessons after online learning during covid 19 pandemic. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Wafa, Mohamad Izza Ulil (2022) EFL teacher’s strategies in teaching reading using blended learning. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Mardiyah, Khumaira Nurul (2022) EFL students’ voices on using grammarly to help students’ mastery of simple past tense in writing of recount text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Kartika, Afrilia (2022) Integrating flipped classroom strategy and project-based learning in teaching writing descriptive text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Mar’atussholekah, Ziqma (2022) Gender differences in reading comprehension using metacognitive reading strategy. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Azizah, Wafidatul (2022) The use of short conversation combined with English conversation application to enhance students’ speaking skill. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Murgayyah, Citra Ayu (2022) Improving students’ reading comprehension of narrative text using digital storytelling. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Ekawati, Siti Afifa (2022) On the use of Youtube videos for improving listening skill. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Izzati, Jihan Nurul (2022) Developing a model of vocabulary enrichment based digital folklore story telling for EFL young learners. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Marufah, Siti (2022) People’s attitude toward the Taliban in “I am Malala” book viewed from appraisal device. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Uluwiyyah, Zumrotul (2022) Utilizing Youtube video to enrich vocabulary for EFL young learners. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Millah, Atina Syihabul (2022) Teacher’s methods on improving students’ reading comprehension of narrative text on English e-learning classes during covid-19 pandemic. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Nurrohmah, Salwa Dewi (2021) Code-switching in speaking class used by teacher and students. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Maulida, Lulu (2021) Task-based learning approach in drilling students’ pronunciation of speaking class for eight graders. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Saraswati, Ela Maryam (2021) Metacognitive online academic reading strategies practiced by EFL students. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Kurnia, Ajeng (2021) Analising cohesion device found in the students' writing of recount text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Pratiwi, Bayu Septi (2021) Using graphic organizer and context clues for teaching reading of descriptive text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Rosyid, Stiyan Majiid Nur (2021) Using paragraph hamburger strategy in teaching reading comprehension on recount text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Akromah, Dwi Fanan (2021) Leveling students English speaking fluency : the study of English Language Education Department of UIN Walisongo Semarang. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Dianti, Indah Rif'ah (2021) Using metacognitive reading strategies to improve students’ reading comprehension skill. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Sholecha, Ana Marchatun (2021) Using CLT method in teaching reading of recount text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Muzzaqi, Amirul Chaq Husnul (2020) An analysis on figurative language in Shawn Mendes selected songs. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Sa'adah, Siti (2020) Students’ reading anxiety in English foreign language learning. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Husen, Husen (2020) The implementation of video clip in teaching English vocabulary. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Inayah, Usbatul (2020) Bilingual program in English teaching and learning process at the seventh grader. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Siti Noor, Aisyah (2020) The influence of students’ listening habit of English songs toward students’ reading comprehension ability of narrative text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Syifa, Layyinatus (2020) Using personal vocabulary notes technique to enrich students’ vocabulary of narrative text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Majid, Muhammad Abdul (2020) Using board game to teach modal expressions of ability and willingness. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Anisah, Zulfa (2020) Male and female language variety in speaking class activity. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Baroroh, Saidatul (2020) Pre-service English as foreign language (EFL) teachers’ perception toward revised Bloom’s taxonomy in cognitive domain and the implementation to their lesson plans. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Rizqiyah, Silvy Milchatir (2020) The challenges faced by the teachers in teaching English for hearing-impaired students of SMPLB N Semarang during study from home (SFH). Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Anisah, Zulfa (2020) Male and female language variety in speaking class activity. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Nisa, Fitrotun (2020) Students’ English learning strategies in speaking skill. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Fitrotun, Nisa (2020) A study students’ english learning strategies in speaking Skill. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Khasanah, Nur (2020) Vocabulary enrichment using anagram game for supporting students 'writing skill of descriptive text'. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Chanifah, Nur (2020) Teaching speaking using games in english intensive class: a study at Pesantren Darul Falah Besongo Semarang. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Mursyidah, Siti (2020) Total communication method to teach english for deaf students. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Zulfa, Vinsya Naila (2020) Applying audio-lingual method and direct method in teaching vocabulary of common nouns for young learners. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Zulfa, Novi Uhtia (2020) Developing higher order thinking skill (HOTS)-based reading assessment instrument of analytical exposition text using Google form. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Pambudi, Nanda (2020) Facilitating the students’ English speaking skills through free talk program with foreigners at Nong Nghiep Homestay, Vietnam. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Adha, Mohammad Dzulfikri Ali (2020) The effectiveness of using minemonic technique to teach vocabulary. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Lutfi, Moh. Hakim (2020) English teaching and learning at Balai Latihan Kerja Komunitas Nahdlatut Thalibin. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Khusna, Lailatul (2019) English language teaching and learning at English Cafe Chapter Semarang. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Mualifa, Rizka (2019) The effectiveness of using fix-up strategy to teach students’ reading comprehension of narrative text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Sopiyanah, Sopiyanah (2019) The use of audio visual media in teaching EFL students speaking skill : a study at SMP Islam Sultan Agung 1 Semarang in the academic year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Alfiyanti, Chusnul Nur (2019) The representation of emotional intelligence on students’ writing achievement of recount text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Farichin, Misbahchul (2019) Cunningsworth-based theory of textbook evaluation on When English Ring’s a Bell for eighth grade of junior high school published by Ministry of Education and Culture. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Hanifah, Izky (2019) The influence of using paper dictionary and electronic dictionary on students’ idiom comprehension. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Aprialita, Viara (2019) The approviateness of English textbook "Bahasa Inggris" for eleventh grade based on the content standard of 2013 revised curriculum by BSNP. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Mufidah, Ana Ainul (2019) The effectiveness of DART method to teach reading comprehension in narrative text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Panoh, Mr. Adam (2019) English language teaching learning at Roemah Difabel of Semarang. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Fauziah, Nur (2019) A comparative study between problem based learning and inquiry-based learning to teach reading of recount text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Arif, Ahmad (2019) The effectiveness of teaching reading comprehension on narrative texts using survey, question, predict, read, respond, summarize (SQP2RS) strategy. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Lestari, Endang Puji (2019) Developing English vocabulary cards for teaching English vocabulary to the fourth grade students of SD N 02 Purwoyoso Semarang. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Ni’mah, Siti Niswatun (2019) The influence of frequency of students’ watching English movies on their speaking ability. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Azizah, Azizah (2019) The influence of students reading habit of short stories on their abilities of writing narrative text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Kurnia, Nia (2019) Character education in the textbook materials of “Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI” published by the Ministry of Education and Culture in the year of 2017. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Fitriana, Weny (2019) Public speaking program in bilingual class at MAN 2 Kudus. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Latif, Abdul (2019) The effectiveness of using dictation technique through tell me more software in teaching simple present tense at eighth grade in SMPN 18 Semarang in the academic year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Persada, Indah Cahya (2019) The influence of students’ grammatical competence toward their English speaking fluency in public speaking program of BCS class at the tenth grade students of MAN 2 Kudus in the academic year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Zakiyah Agustianti, Dika Ayu (2019) The use of what’s missing game and Chinese whisper game in teaching speaking. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Nazda, Anissa Gina (2019) The implementation of community language learning (CLL) method in members’ speaking activities at Walisongo English Club. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Kusumaningtyas, Kirana Devi (2019) Teaching writing of recount text using writing assignments : a study at the eighth grade of SMPN 11 Semarang in the academic year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo Semarang.

Azizah, Mutia (2018) Grammatical errors on students’ abstract of manuscript : a study at Science and Technology Faculty at UIN Walisongo Semarang. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo Semarang.

Khasanah, Nurul (2018) Developing a content-based instruction English module of procedure text for fashion design program of eleventh grade of SMK Darul Amanah Sukorejo. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo Semarang.

Rahma, Maulida Fatikha (2018) English teaching and learning at Kampung Inggris Gunung Pati, Semarang. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo Semarang.

Ghofar, Abdul (2018) Cohesion analysis of Soekarno’s speech entitled only a nation with self reliance can become a great nation. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo Semarang.

Kumaeroh, Siti (2018) A Study on English learning anxiety at the eleventh grade students of SMA Ma’arif NU 04 Kangkung Kendal in the academic year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo Semarang.

Ilham Subkhan, Muhammad (2018) An analysis of idiomatic expression found on American Sniper movie. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo Semarang.

Ulfah, Nafi'un (2018) The influence of introvert personality to students’ ability in writing informational report : study at the eleventh grade of MA Fathul Ulum Grobogan in the academic year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo Semarang.

Liyanhanikal Faidah, Choyri (2018) Mood analysis on spoken texts of teacher’s scaffolding talks in English subject : a study at eleventh grade of immersion students proficiency at MA Hasyim Asy’ari Bangsri Jepara in the academic year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo Semarang.

Ayu Septiningrum, Kartika (2018) A Portrait of learner’s autonomy through metacognitive strategy on reading comprehension. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo Semarang.

Nur Hasanah, Dwi (2018) An analysis of figurative language used in some poems by Oscar Wilde. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo Semarang.

Rahmayani, Rasyidha Anis (2018) Reading comprehension proficiency between Biology Education students, and Siyasah Jinayah students : a comparative study at the third semester of UIN Walisongo Semarang in academic year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Aufa, Muhammad Muzakki (2018) English language teaching and learning for young learners at SD IT Cahaya Bangsa grade of SD Mijen-Semarang : a study at the fifth IT Cahaya Bangsa Mijen Semarang in the academic year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Utami, Tri (2018) The Eastern–middle Javanese on apology speech acts : a comparative study of EFL learners at Walisongo State Islamic University in the academic year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Fadilah, Siti (2018) Pedagogical and professional competence in teaching internship : a descriptive study at 7th semester English education department UIN Walisongo Semarang in the academic year 2017/2018. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Asma, Neilidar (2018) Pronunciation’s error of segmental features at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 18 Semarang in the academic year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Huda, Baginda Muhammad (2018) The use of quipper school to teach reading comprehension on descriptive text : an experimental research at the tenth grade of SMA N 13 Semarang in the academic year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Istiqomah, Era Luthfia Nurul (2018) The influence of students’ dictionary use towards their affix comprehension in EFL class of SMA N 12 Semarang in the year of 2016/2017. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Zakaria, Chilmi (2018) The influence of students’ morphological awareness toward students’ writing ability at fourth semester students of English Language Education Department of Walisongo State Islamic University (UIN) of Semarang in the academic year of 2016/2017. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Af'idaturrohmawati, Af'idaturrohmawati (2018) Cultural content analysis of English on target : an English textbook published by Erlangga in the year of 2016 for tenth grade of senior high school. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Muniroh, Muniroh (2018) A content analysis of the English textbook entitled “When English Rings a Bell” for grade VII of junior high school published by Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia in the year of 2016. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Muna, Nailul (2018) The effectiveness of using folklore based animation media in teaching English articles for seventh grade MTs Al-Hikmah Sayung Demak in the academic year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Wijayanti, Risma (2018) The effectiveness of using survey, question, read, recite, review /SQ3R method to teach students' reading comprehension on narrative texts at tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 13 Semarang in the academic year of 2016/2017. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Al-Hidayat, Muslim (2017) The effectiveness of using class talk show to teach simple past tense : an experimental research at the eighth grade of SMP N 23 Semarang in the academic year of 2016/ 2017. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

'Ilma, Faradina (2017) Higher order thinking skill questions in reading exercises : an analysis of reading exercises in Bright Course Book for the seventh grade of junior high school of 2013 curriculum, published by Erlangga in the year of 2016. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Walugianah, Walugianah (2017) The effectiveness of using gist generating interaction between schemata and text strategy to teach students’ reading comprehension on narrative text : an experimental research at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 13 Semarang in the academic year of 2016/2017. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Rohim, Muhammad Fathur (2017) Teachers’ perspective on writing exercises of junior high school book “Bright”. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Manan, Mohammad Khoirul (2017) The correlation between students’ motivation in reading English textbooks and their achievement in reading comprehension. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Riyanti, Novita (2017) An analysis of text leveling of reading texts in the English textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” for X grade of senior high school 2013 curriculum, published by “Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan” in the year of 2016. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Susanti, Ria Wahyu (2017) The influence of frequencies of listening to English songs toward students’ vocabulary power at the seventh grade of SMP NU 03 Islam Kaliwungu Kendal in the academic year of 2016/2017. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo.

Fitriana, Shofi Anis (2016) Teachers pedagogic competence in the view of EFL learners and its influence to their achievement. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Yanti, Alina (2016) The effectiveness of secret word game to teach students’ reading ability : an experimental research at the eighth grade of MTs Al Hikmah Pasir Mijen Demak in the academic year of 2015/2016. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Ni’mah AM, Sholihatin (2016) The use of SAVI approach to improve students’ writing skill of descriptive text : a classroom action research at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 23 Semarang in the academic year of 2015/2016. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Sa’diyah, Istianatus (2016) The use of pop up story book to improve speaking ability on recount text : a classroom action research with the eighth graders of MTs Al-Asror Gunungpati Semarang in the academic year of 2015/2016. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Maulida, Faiz (2016) The use of guiding question technique to improve students’ descriptive text writing : a classroom action research at the 7th grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Semarang in the academic year of 2015/2016. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Faizah, Lailatul (2015) Improving students’ ability in writing procedure text by using picture : an experimental research at 9th grade of MTs Nahdlatus Syubban Sayung Demak in the academic year of 2014/2015. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Niswah, Saidatun (2015) Efektivitas model pembelajaran concept attainment terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi pokok persamaan linier satu variabel kelas VII MTs Wahid Hasyim Bangsri Jepara tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Astuti, Fitri Puji (2015) The implementation of learning assesement based on the 2013 curriculum in ELT class a study at VII and VIII grade of SMPN 2 Kendal in the academic year of 2014/2015. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Nahar, Riska Lailin (2015) Efektivitas metode inside outside circle dengan menggunakan alat peraga neraca dalam pembelajaran kurikulum 2013 terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik materi persamaan linear satu variabel kelas VII MTs Miftahul Muhtadin Kayen Pati tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Laila Hanaum, Rofi’ (2012) Studi Korelasi antara Persepsi Siswa tentang Kompetensi Sosial Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dengan Motivasi Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Walisongo 1 Semarang Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

Wahyudi, Lilik (2010) Peningkatan hasil belajar biologi materi pokok tingkat organisasi kehidupan dengan pembelajaran berbasis accelerated learning kelas X SMA Islam Sudirman Bringin kab. Semarang tahun 2009/2010. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Walisongo.

Noer, M. Subkhan (2009) Peran komite sekolah dalam pengembangan madrasah :studi kasus di MAN Kendal. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN WALISONGO.

Ekawati, Wahyu Mei (2008) Implementasi parenting untuk mengembangkan potensi keagamaan anak di lembaga taman pendidikan Islam anak usia dini (TPI AUD) Cahaya Ilmu Pedurungan Semarang. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Walisongo.

Author, Moh. Nailul (2008) Integrasi pendidikan ketrampilan dalam kurikulum madrasah di MAN Kendal. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Walisongo.

Maghfur, Ahmad (2008) Penerapan pendekatan pembelajaran kontekstual pada mata pelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di SMA Negeri 16 Mijen Semarang. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Walisongo.

Alwiyah, Tuti (2008) Perbedaan pola asuh orangtua dalam Islam terhadap tingkat perilaku agresif siswa MA NU Nurul Huda Mangkang Kulon Semarang. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Walisongo.


Annury, Muhammad Nafi An Analysis Of Humor In J.M Barrie’s Play “The Old Lady Shows Her Medals” On Efl Literature Class,. UIN Walisongo Semarang, Semarang. (Submitted)

Annury, Muhammad Nafi Childhood And Literacy (A Critical Study of Media Education As Contemporary Culture),. UIN Walisongo Semarang, Semarang. (Submitted)

Annury, Muhammad Nafi Directive Speech Acts in The Movie “The Message” By Moustapha Akkad,. UIN Walisongo Semarang, Semarang. (Submitted)

Annury, Muhammad Nafi The ICT Development for the young learners as media Education. UIN Walisongo Semarang, Semarang. (Submitted)

Annury, Muhammad Nafi The Impact of Structural Competence towards Speaking Competence of the Fourth Semester Students of English Department,. UIN Walisongo Semarang, Semarang. (Submitted)

Annury, Muhammad Nafi Peningkatan Kompetensi Profesional Guru melalui Penelitian Tindakan Kelas,. UIN Walisongo Semarang, Semarang. (Submitted)

Annury, Muhammad Nafi The Perceptual Learning Styles Characteristics of EFL Learners,. UIN Walisongo Semarang, Semarang. (Submitted)

Annury, Muhammad Nafi Promoting Multilingualism in the Classroom: A Case Study of ELT Program. UIN Walisongo Semarang, Semarang. (Submitted)

Annury, Muhammad Nafi Students’ Language Learning Styles: An Ethnographic Case Study at UIN Walisongo Semarang,. UIN Walisongo Semarang, Semarang. (Submitted)

Annury, Muhammad Nafi Teaching English as a Foreign Language. UIN Walisongo Semarang, Semarang. (Submitted)

Annury, Muhammad Nafi The Use Of Metacognitive Strategies In EFL Reading Comprehension,. UIN Walisongo Semarang, Semarang. (Submitted)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 10:47:08 2025 WIB.